Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Knysna expands Llifesavers club before Holidays

Due to the drowning incidents that Knysna has seen over the past holidays, the town has decided to recruit more people from different communities to the Lifesavers club in order to relieve some of the workload for other rescue services. Knysna also has six beaches that people attend to so the Lifesavers will be spread out across all the beaches this Holiday season. Another reason why Knysna decided to recruit more Lifesavers is because the past drowning incidents at the beaches have involved children. They Mayor of Knysna believes that children knowing how to swim is a priority. In one statement by the Mayor, Eleanor bow-spies expressed how sad it is that children have so much opportunity to learn to swim but don't. In her statement she said "It’s just sad that you stay in a lovely coastal town that has so many places to swim and beaches and lakes and kids still can't swim. I think if we started there we would be doing our kids justice but also, the fact that our town is a town of water and beautiful resources." I also think that every kid should learn how to swim that way drowning incidents can be avoided. What Knysna is doing is very good for the safety of the public over the holidays.

Here is a picture of one of Knysna's Beaches along the Garden Route

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