Thursday, December 1, 2016

People of Grabouw march for better Health Services

A group of people who live in Grabouw, South Africa have marched for better Health Services in their community. The group of people who participated in the march are known as the South African Communist Party or the SACP. The group was marching to the Grabouw Health Clinic to demand better Health Services due to the lack of staff and privacy at the clinic. Barry Mitchell, the Spokesperson of the SACP reported that the clinic that the community goes to only has one doctor working a day when their are thousands of patients to attend (SABC News). Mitchell said “The deplorable conditions or worsening conditions in Grabouw made us embark on this march. As it stands, there is only one doctor that only works on a half day shift. There’s also a massive lack of trained nursing staff and practitioners at the health care centre. There is also a lack of privacy for the patients that attend this health care clinic.”  Although some places in South Africa do have an adequate amount of doctors on hand every day, there are also places like Grabouw that do not. Every community should have an efficient amount of doctors in order to treat the ill. I think the March that the SACP did was very beneficial toward the community and its people. The March to the Health Clinic brought a community together to fight for what is right.

Group members of the SACP who marched for better Health Services in Grabouw


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